Zadar Granfondo Falkensteiner Borik

Ride till the End


Travel documents

Travel documents that you must have to come to Croatia are a valid passport or document recognized by an international agreement. For some countries, only a valid ID is sufficient to prove the identity and nationality of the holder of the document.
Additional information:

Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova RH

Customs provisions

The customs regulations of the Republic of Croatia are almost all harmonized with those of the EU countries. For the introduction of items of a non-commercial nature for personal use, customs duties and VAT are not paid only for items worth up to EUR 150

Additional information:

Carinska uprava 


Foreign nationals can bring their personal luggage without any restrictions. Foreign currency of up to EUR 10,000 can be freely brought in and out of the country. An amount higher than the above, as well as more valuable professional and technical equipment, must be reported at the border.


The official currency used in Zadar and Croatia is the EURO. Most hotels, restaurants and shops accept credit cards (American Express, Diners Club, Eurocard / Mastercard, Visa) as payment methods. Foreign currency can be exchanged at banks, exchange offices, post offices, travel agencies, hotels, camps, marinas. Checks can be cashed at banks.

Additional information:

Tečajna lista Hrvatske narodne banke (HNB) 

Medical service

In all major cities in Croatia there are hospitals or clinics, and dispensaries and pharmacies are also located in smaller towns. Mandatory insured foreign tourists coming from countries with which Croatia has a social security contract do not pay for emergency health care services, with the presentation of a certificate on the right to health care. Tourists from countries with which Croatia has no contract have to bear the costs of healthcare.

Traveling with pets

Pets can be brought to the Republic of Croatia with the submission of valid animal health documentation. Pets must be vaccinated against rabies and labeled with a microchip. The owner or holder of the animal carries a passport or certificate issued by a veterinarian authorized by the competent authority.

Additional information:

Carinska uprava 

Opening hours

During the tourist season, most shops are open daily, including weekends, from 8am until 10pm, except on holidays. Regular working hours during the year are from 8am to 7pm on weekdays, usually from 8am to 1pm on Saturdays, while on Sundays they are closed. Public services and business offices generally work from 8am to 4pm, Monday through Friday.

For more detailed information on working hours, the Tourist boards in our cities are at your disposal.


Granfondo Falkensteiner Borik,

Zadar Region

Majstora Radovana 7,

HR-23000 ZADAR